Cameron, Smith and Toms

No not a bbc sitcom, but 3 of the clubs intrepid athletes that braved north of the wall to face all that Scotland can throw at them.

Ross Cameron and Bob Smith headed up north for a nice romantic weekend for 2 away from the wives and whilst they were up there decided to take on the Edinburgh Half Marathon. After a couple of “slices” of pizza the night before and a nice double bed to share they were ready for the race.

Bob Smith came home in 2.08.05 with Ross just a couple of minutes back in 2.11.11 and a new personal best.

Also up in the Scottish Capital after her fun last weekend in the English Capital was Sharron Toms who was taking part in the full marathon, and after a tough marathon in Dover just 2 months prior Sharron ran an incredible 3.37.22 in Edinburgh to smash her personal best.