Good month for PBs

September has been a strong month for some of our busy team in races across the region and beyond.

Steph Holyoak started the ball rolling with a PB of 2:02:41 in the Kenilworth Half Marathon, quickly followed up by Kayleigh Draper in the Great North Run with 1:37:27. David Whitwell flew the flag for us in Europe completing the Berlin Marathon in 3:10:41, also a PB.

Local Parkrun‘s have been a scene of success for us too, with Dave Towns taking a new PB on the 22nd September with 24:43 following on from Duncan Jackson and Raeanne Elliott’s PBs at Rutland Water, clocking 19:53 and 25:32 respectively.

Well done to all our team, out there flying the Yaxley Runners flag.