Adrian’s Half Marathon Training Plan – Week 3

This is quite a tough week. Enjoy!

Session 1: Progression Run

80-90 mins. For most of this run take an easy pace and then for the final 20 minutes run at your target half-marathon pace or a little faster if you can. From this week we’ll start to introduce mid-week longer runs that are designed to build your strength (but they won’t be every week).

Session 2: Speed Workout

5-6 x 1 mile at speed pace with a 3 minute jog recovery between reps. Don’t forget to include a warm up and warm down. Stay under control during the speed section on this workout, you’ve got a few to do and this workout is tough enough without exhausting yourself early on. You’ll probably find the 1st one tough but persevere, if you’ve got the pace right then the middle ones should be ok before you start to get fatigued for the final one or two. The speed sections should be fast, but they’re not sprints. Try to have a consistent pace but if you need to adjust in order to achieve all reps then don’t be afraid to – it’s not as important as it is on the Fartlek workouts.

Session 3: Easy Pace

Up to an hour for this workout. This is the optional run this week if you need to drop a session. Treat this as a recovery run or a warm-up before your long run.

Session 4: Long Run

90-105 mins. Building up the endurance strength. Remember these long runs should be nice and easy, relax, talk to a fellow runner (or yourself if you’re on your own)