Adrian’s 5k Training Plan – Week 6

Final week – bringing it all together

Session 1: Speed workout

Warm-up, 3 x 400m @ 5k goal pace, 100m recovery, then 400m jog, 3 x 400m @ 5 seconds faster than goal 5k pace, 200m recovery, 400m jog, 3 x 400m @ up to 10 seconds faster than goal 5k pace, 400m recovery, warm-down. This is a little complicated, basically 3 sets of 3 x 400m at progressively faster pace with progressively longer recovery and a 400m jog between sets.

You will find the later 400m runs get quite tiring and you should need the longer recovery. You will also find this easier if you’ve got a roughly measured 400m distance to use & then extend the recovery either side of that as you run back & forth – be prepared for some strange looks as you run up and down a small section like a lunatic!

Session 2: Fartlek run

5 x 60s @ 5k-10k pace, 60s recovery. Don’t forget to include a warmup and warm-down. Concentrate on your running form on the fast sections, keep your shoulders relaxed and you head up and remember not to sprint but to keep to the pace.

Session 3: Easy run

30 mins. Nothing more than an easy shake out of the legs to remove any stiffness and keep the legs moving ready for race day

Session 4: Race day

If you’re not running one of the virtual 5k events such as the Yaxley parkrun or the Isolation Fitness 5k then just run this as a benchmark run. Remember though that this one IS a race, so go for it. Remember all you’ve built up over the last 6 weeks and let’s see what the improvement is.