Adrian’s Half Marathon Training Plan – Week 10

The final week!

Session 1: Cruise Intervals

40 to 60 minutes. Include up to 5 x 1km at Cruise Interval pace which we discussed back in week 1 (session 2), with a 2 minute recovery jog between each rep. Include a warm-up and warm-down. Remember Cruise Interval pace is not hard but nice and steady. This session should be fun and not tough, if you’re finding it tough then hold back the pace a little.

Session 2: Fartlek Run

40 – 60 minutes, include up to 8 x 30 seconds strides with 1 minute jog recovery between reps. Include the pace change in the middle or second half of the run and should be at your 5k pace or faster and try to get the cadence up high.

Session 3: Short easy run

About 30-40 minutes only at a nice relaxed and comfortable pace. Include a warm-up and warm-down before you get into a comfortable, relaxed pace. You should feel refreshed at the end and keep this run under control. This session is about keeping the legs warm ready for race day and should be the day before.

Session 4: Race day

Time to put all the training to the test. Remember to trust yourself and the training you’ve done, it all comes together today. Let me know how you get on.

This week you should have at least 2 days of no exercise at all to let your body finish the repair work ready for race day.