Adrian’s Half Marathon Training Plan – Week 7

This week is the second recovery week. Although, don’t get too excited because it’s still got some tough sessions, there’s just a few rest days.

Session 1: Progression run

Run a relatively easy run for 50-60 minutes then another 20 minutes at your target half-marathon pace or a little faster. Also don’t forget to include a warm up and warm down including some stretches to stop those muscles shortening. Take it nice and slow on the easy section and keep in control on the faster section. You should not feel tired after this session.

Session 2: Speed workout

5-6 x 1 mile at speed pace with a 3 minute jog recovery between each rep. This session is about testing your mental strength, the last couple of reps are going to be tough but try to keep the pace the same as for the first few. This session is about preparing for race day, it might get tough out on the course and you may need to dig deep to finish in your goal time so this session will help you prepare for that. You will feel tired after this one so make sure you’re prepared.

Session 3: Short easy run

About 30-40 minutes only at a nice relaxed and comfortable pace.

Session 4: Finish fast, long run

Run for around 1 hour 45 minutes to 2 hours 15 minutes. Most of this run should be at a nice steady, easy pace then build up to finish the last 2 to 4 miles at goal pace and finish the last mile at a slightly faster pace. You’re aiming for about 12-14 miles for the run. Remember, this is not race day so don’t try to run the whole thing at goal pace, stick to the plan, run fast at the end but don’t race.

This week you should have 2 days with no exercise at all (that’s the recovery bit of this week), so no strength and conditioning or cycling on those rest days and if you need to miss a session this week then drop session 3.