Joy for Steve in Championship Showdown

This year’s mens club championship finished with a thrilling finale at the timed mile on Wednesday 24th May. It is not often that the title comes down to the last race of the championship season. This time around Steve Joy-Good led Mike Branston by 4 points coming into the final race. The race started at a furious pace with Mike Morley, Joe Wright, Mike Branston and Rob Sleight initially leading Steve Joy-Good. Rob soon fell away leaving the aforementioned four quickies to battle it out. Steve eventually caught Joe, only to see Mike Branston overtake Mike Morley on lap 3. At that point it looked as though the championship would be going to Mike Branston but last year’s champion Mike Morley kicked strongly on the last lap to finish first by a 2 second margin and dash Mike Branston’s hopes. It was a cruel blow for Branston who ran a stunning 5 minutes 14 seconds. So congratulations to Steve Joy-Good who claims his first club championship trophy by a margin of 2 points.The ladies championship was dominated by Sharron Toms, who had claimed the title several weeks ago.