Yaxley shine at the Valentines 30k

It was a successful day for Yaxley Runners at the Valentines 30k on a beautiful day in Stamford today, with our members producing some fine performances.

In the latest club championship race, Mike Morley bagged maximum points by crossing the line first in a superb time of 2:05:58. For the ladies, Suzie Hall put in a magnificent performance to be the first Yaxley girl across the line (and third overall) in 2:18:12.

Other results: Hugh Burton (2:17:50), Duncan Jackson (2:20:59),  Paul Breeze (2:21:25), Ian Vallance (2:21:28), Gavin Farrow (2:22:47), Al Good (2:24:17), Claire Piercy (2:29:20), Sue Harlow (2:33:32), Roslyn Loutit (2:35:18), Matt Stearn (2:38:55), Lesley Coles (2:39:17), Nikki Timms (2:44:26), Lorraine Howard (2:49:32), Gary Masters (2:49:34), Barbara Johnson (2:55:12).