10k Training Plan – Week 5

Session 1: Easy run 70 to 80 mins

Remember easy runs should be a gentle pace your breathing should be relaxed enough for you to be able to talk normally.

Session 2: Fartlek run 40-60 mins

Include up to 15 x 1 minutes at 5k pace with 1 minute jog recovery between each rep. Don’t forget to include a warm-up and warm-down. Don’t forget to try to keep the effort sections similar in pace and effort expended and adjust the recovery if needed. This session is about trying to run in a relaxed way but at speed, it’s all about finding your race rhythm.

Session 3: Progression Run 60 to 70 mins

A nice easy pace run. Another endurance building run to end the week. This should not be a challenge. Finish the last ten minutes at a medium to hard pace finishing strong after already running for 50 minutes means digging into reserves and this is good practice for race day (although today shouldn’t be anywhere near as tough as race day).

You should try to fit in 2 rest days in this plan where you don’t train at all, the other 2 days you could cross-train, go for an easy pace run or take the day off depending on how you feel.